Saturday 19th Finally Home
Finally I’m home!! I don’t think mummy thought we were ever going to leave that place. What can I say? I just wasn’t that hungry? (not sure you will hear me say that to often) plus it wasn’t like I was the one having to eat the soggy hospital food. We won’t talk about the struggle dad had strapping the car seat in, to be honest I just shut my eyes and let him get on with it. If it wasn’t for the tip from some random woman with 9 grand kids gave him, I think we could have been stuck in the carpark for another 9 months. (remember plug it in, then wrap the belt!not vice versa)
OMG if I knew there was going to be this much love and attention available on tap I would have come out sooner!! I still can’t believe how quickly people where round with cards and presents, I felt like a celebrity with full paparazzi snapping every smile. (didn’t have the heart to say it was only wind).
Still waiting for the three wise men to arrive though, I guess Dave, Sam and err Jay? must be the modern day version? Although not sure Jay was that wise offering to change my nappy hahaha thanks all the same.